NOTICEBOARD Sewing group promotes human rights in Castlemilk International Human Rights Day (December 10) has given a Castlemilk community sewing group the chance to promote understanding of some of the social issues facing local people. Upcycling helping Castlemilk’s Circular Economy Local people in Castlemilk are doing their bit for the circular economy by upcycling old fabric and furniture. Ardenglen outlines options for new community space and garden Local people in Castlemilk heard about plans for a new community HUB and growing space at its very first outdoor Autumn Festival. Housing is a ‘fundamental human right’ says Commission Housing is the building block on which a host of human rights are based on according the Scottish Human Rights Commission. Castlemilk Human Rights Group Up for Scottish Housing Award The Castlemilk Housing and Human Rights Lived Experience Group has been shortlisted for a Scotland Housing Award in the ‘Working in Partnership’ category. Ardenglen shortlisted for UK Investor in People Award Ardenglen Housing Association has been shortlisted for a prestigious UK Investor in People Award (IIP).
LATEST PHOTOS FROM YOUR COMMUNITY Upload your photos within your community Ardenglen Fun Day 2021Ardenglen Fun Day 2021Contractors at workArdenglen Big Lunch 2021Ardenglen HomesArdenglen Big LunchFood and fun in summer sunOur AGM 2019Gardenglen 2021Gardenglen 2021 Congratulations to Eddy Carr who was the winner of our garden competition in 2021. View all community photos
HOW WE HAVE PERFORMED Our latest Performance results from Quarter 3 are available to review on our Performance page.