(Dry meters means you either pay into your account monthly by direct debit)
Are you struggling with rising fuel costs? If so, we might be able to help if you are:-
- in debt with your utility supplier
- struggling to make your payments
- finding it difficult to heat your home
We are pleased to advise that we have secured funding from SFHA’s Social Housing Fund to support tenants with Dry Meters
Support is completely FREE & OPEN with a payment amount of £100
*Dependant on number of tenants requesting support
So, if you are struggling to pay speak to us TODAY
to determine if you qualify and if you are successful, we will be in touch to discuss the next steps
Call 0141 634 8016
email: community@ardenglen.org.uk
or call into the office
Please provide your full name, address, post code & name of Energy Supplier and Account Number
Closing date for applications – Friday 22nd March 2024 12 noon