Exciting News for our tenants as we launch our new Scrutiny Panel.
Are you interested in helping Ardenglen improve our services? We are introducing a new tenant scrutiny panel that we want to help shape and improve how we deliver our services to you.
You could make a real difference to your local community by getting involved in our very soon to be launched Residents of Ardenglen Scrutiny Panel (RASP).
Being a member of RASP could help you get skills and experience to add to your C.V.
Join our scrutiny panel today and you could get involved in a number of activities such as:
• Mystery Shopping
• Estate Inspections
• Policy Review Consultations
• Customer Surveys
• Desk Top Audits
Our scrutiny panel meetings will be held online and in person to ensure that everyone has an option to get involved regardless of whether they can come into the office or not.
To register your interest in joining RASP, simply enter your details in the contact us form and submit to us. We’ll do the rest.